Friday, February 26, 2010

Nothing better than friends

I really wanted to give a shout-out to friends (which of course include those wonderful family members that put up with SO much). I know this sounds SO cheesy, but I've really been thinking about this lately. Since this is the location for my "Thought Vomit", I figured I would have a stab at it ;)

I've been in shock lately from the support we've received. I know we've been exceptionally lucky in life to meet or grow up around amazing people, but it has really hit home these past 6 months. From phone calls, to packages (Ang, you angel ;), to emails, and even acts of service, it has been amazing. I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for showing your love. Thank you for taking a break from your hectic life to give us words of encouragement. Thank you. It really is appreciated and your kindness is a balm. We are truly blessed

1 comment:

Angela said...

No thanks necessary - you know I love ya.