So I have been trying to post about this last weekend for awhile, but my turkey of a husband has been on the computer every night! ;) (For some reason, he has to do his homework;) (I'll probably get whacked for that comment!;)

But anyway, the state of Utah has a Fall Break about the middle of October every year (Nevada never had this one..... we did always get Halloween off though! Gotta love that Nevada was formed on October 31st!) I really wanted to do something during those couple of days, so we decided to hit up the good 'ole town of Salt Lake City. We recruited my sister Tasha and her little girl Mylah to come with us, called up one of my really good friends from my mission (Cally Ashton.... well her last name is now Johnson, but she will forever be known as Ashton!), and headed on down. We decided on IKEA and headed towards the wonderland of shopping. I'm not sure how many of you guys have been to this Mecca of all wonderfulness, but I ADORE this store! I had been to it before when I lived in Spain, but to have that here in the U.S. is a piece of heaven on earth! (There are a couple of stores, for those that know about the area.... Barrio 2,5,Alcobendas, etc) I seriously could just wander for hours (which we have done before ;) and not worry about anything but the hundreds of displays in front of me. Ahh.... heaven..... We even made it out of there with spending only $10! Yeah for staying on a budget! (Well, Cally had even more fun than us and bought a new bedroom set ;)
So after this adventure, we had a great lunch while Cally headed to her doctor's appointment (Congrats on having another little one on the way!). Another round of shopping and we were headed home to a dinner with Tasha, Justin and friends. The next morning we were even able to sleep in! (I NEVER get to sleep in! It has been ages!) THAT was definatly a highlight of our long weekend!
This past week has been crazy, but one of the fun events was a 3rd grade program we had on Wednesday. It was a musical program about the history of Cache Valley. So cute! The students did a great job and we all had a fun time with the program (OF COURSE I forgot my camera and didn't get any pictures.) Adam surprised me by showing up to watch the whole crazy production! (He was suppose to have classes until after the program, so I was really surprised to see him.) I am so grateful for his help in so many areas...... I sometimes feel so overwhelmed, but my wonderful husband supports me so much. I just stinking love that kid!
LOVE IKEA!! My sister first took me there when I went to visit her in Baltimore. But sadly Vegas doesn't have one and online just isn't the same. So sad!
You came to SLC and didn't even call me. I'm sad. Especially that you literally drove right past my new place. Argh! I went to IKEA with Brad last was AMAZING. We laughed our heads off. I seriously can not remember the last time I laughed so much. I bought a desk, a dresser, a clock and Brad picked out a great yellow vase and tall white flower for my bathroom which made him truly proud of himself. I don't remember an IKEA in Spain????
So is it the break they get so everyone can go deer hunting? That is what it was back in the day when I lived there and was in elementary. Sounds like you had a fun time with your sis and friend. You think you never get to sleep in now - wait until you have kids!
Please contact Cally Ashton and ask her if she was ever in Wethersfield Connecticut. I stayed in a motel there once and found a compact LDS Hymnbook under the bed. The little book has her name embossed on it. Please reply to
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