I hate to say it, but 90% of the people I've talked to are HAPPY that 2010 is about over. 2010 has gotten quite the bad wrap! There have been SO many trials or heartbreaks this past year, that most of us are excited to change that calendar over:
- Back mishap in April (on my birthday) that caused intense pain for 6 weeks.....
- Playing Volleyball in July and snapped my Achilles Tendon which has lead to 5 months of Physical Therapy and pain..... NO sports for another 8 months (mandated by Dr)
-Lost 3 grandparents this year
-Rough and awkward work situation with bosses that makes me look forward to May....
-Adam's dad fell off a ladder and broke his back (through miracles he WASN'T paralyzed)
-SEVERAL loved ones are getting divorces, which entails tons of changes and heartbreaks....
-The ever present fertility issue just gets more and more complicated. Now there is another surgery needed before we can even think of starting in-vitro.....
As you can see, it's been a memorable year :) I've pondered this past 12 months and I can see the hardships that have been present, but every step of the way I can also see the blessings. I struggled SO much with my leg being out of commission for so many months, but having my sweet hubby, parents, siblings, and friends there to help me along the way has really made me feel SO loved! With the passing of loved ones, I've been able to look at and be grateful for the eternal perspective we have... The knowledge that our Heavenly Father and Savior are there for us, is truly priceless. As I've been praying heavily the past 6 weeks to forgive others, I've been able to grow in my appreciation of a loving Heavenly Father..... I know this is all temporary, but he continues to listen to my prayers and tears and comfort me. And through all this other chaos, he has whispered to us repeatedly that we will one day have children in our home. Having the patience to not know when this will happen, is another area of growth, but no matter how many times we ask, he comforts us.... This past week we celebrated our 5th anniversary and I continue to be amazed that he is my husband. How can a girl be so lucky? He is one of the greatest blessings in my life and I appreciate that the Lord has us together to get through all this craziness we call life.
So, I hope you all have a fantastic New Year's celebration and an even better 2011! May we all continue to grow and survive that growth :)
That's interesting that you just celebrated your 5th anniversary. We had too when we started in vitro and we too had several "set backs" that delayed us. We'll be praying for you and remember that we feel your pain if you ever need anything we're here. Best of luck in 2011!!
You always have such amazing posts and are always inspiring to me. Your an inspiration to me and thank you for everything. Your a wonderful example to so many especially me. Thanks for being you and I love ya tons!!
Shari, You are awesome, I'm glad that I can check out your blog and feel a little spiritual lift. I don't know if you've thought about this, but I always decided that if we couldn't have kids that I would want to be a foster parent and eventually adopt some of my kids. I still feel like that is something we will do in the future. Hope your 2011 is better.
I love you shar, I'm sure things are going to be better this year. I agree, I was not sad at all to see 2010 leave us. I miss you, woman. Don't ever leave us!
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