Life continues to be crazy, but how can you not find those wonderful little moments that creep up on you? Last weekend we had the opportunity to go to my little brother's graduation. It was so weird to be there and see him graduating from High School.... he was in 3rd grade when I took my own walk to receive that diploma! Wow, has time flown.....
It was good though to think back on time and see what has transpired in the past 9 years. I have been so grateful for the careful and patient guidance from my Heavenly Father. He has led me on the craziest journeys, but I have been guided through and around the greatest places: Being born into my amazing and one of a kind family, my mission to Madrid, Spain (anybody remember the crazy stuffed teddy bear with glowing red eyes?; or the most wonderful people and their culture?), receiving my college diploma (even when it felt like the world didn't support that... thanks mom and dad for all your help!), being lucky enough to find and marry the greatest guy and my best friend in all the world.... I could honestly go on and on, but it was really good to reflect back on the life I have had so far. So many blessings....
Oh my gosh!!! That is NOT Nathan... No way! No way! That just makes feel old and a little freaked out. Getting together with family is the best!
Wow! I look like crap in that picture! but anyways... It's amazing how much we take for granted. I think about that before I go to bed and how much family really means to us.
I know it's crazy little bro just graduated from high school also. Weird stuff. AND>>>> OF COURSE I remember the red stuffed teddy bear that was held for ransom! hehe Good times and good memories! I is good!
So why didn't you come see me while you were here?
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