Thursday, June 12, 2008

Adam's First Blog

For fear that the "Crawford blog" will become "Shari's Blog," I have taken it upon myself to publish a post. It should come as no surprise to those of you that know me that I am horrible at checking e-mails, worse at replying to them, and technologically clinging to my hypothetical dentures while sitting in a creaky rocking chair yelling at "young whippersnappers" such as yourselves. Regardless, I refuse to let much more of the information age pass me by, let alone my wife--she already has a 2GB flash drive while I use my measly 256 MB one.
How grateful I am to have a wife who drags me (kicking and screaming) into uncharted territories and new adventures. Consider this a "welcome" to those friends of mine whom I have endured many a hoola-hoop jumping contest with (you know... high school, college, etc.), and to those friends of Shari's who have no idea what she got herself into. I look forward to receiving laughs and quips from each of you, and will attempt to make my presence known occasionally ... so long as the dentures remain in my mouth anyway.


Kerri Marie said...

Way to go Adam! SO glad your joining us in the blogging world! =)

Tasha Stout said...

Welcome to the new millenium (sp?)! Congrats on trying out new things!

Tonya Whipple said...

Hey Adam, it's nice to hear your hilarious take on things, too! I feel like you-I don't even have a blog page, yet, and I've been resisting it as long as possible. I dont...know how much....longer I can...resist the... pull of technology... :)